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Bioparc Zoo of Valencia

Bioparc Zoo of Valencia


23,80 €

*Entrada adulto
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Bioparc Zoo of Valencia: 0,00 €

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Bioparc Zoo of Valencia

BIOPARC Valencia is a unique zoo. Its design employs the “zoo-immersion” concept, in which visitors are surrounded by meticulous recreations of the natural habitats being presented. The animals, vegetation and landscape provide opportunities for discovering the complexity of natural ecosystems.

Explore this 100,000m2 recreation of Africa’s wonders; wander along the extensive savannah, between herds of antelopes, giraffes and rhinos while lions peruse this great grassland from their rocky pinnacle. Enjoy lemurs jumping over you on the exotic island of Madagascar. Venture into the thickness of the equatorial forest in search of gorillas, amid buffalos and leopards. Follow the footpath of the elephants to a cave excavated by these impressive pachyderms. Submerge below the water surface, surrounded by hippopotamus, crocodiles and thousands of colourful fish. Discover the exotic island of Madagascar where lemurs jump over their heads.

BIOPARC Valencia is already considered one of the best parks in the world. A space created for people of all ages to enjoy their leisure time while learning to care for, respect and love the nature. The park also has special activities and exhibitions, playgrounds for children, as well as different restaurants and shops that guarantee fun for the whole family.

Start/opening time: 10 am.

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